Refractory Classification


Basic Refractory are mainly composed of magnesium oxide and calcium oxide, commonly used as Magnesia bricks. MAGNESIA brick containing 80% ~ 85% MAGNESIA has good resistance to alkaline slag and iron slag, and higher fire resistance than clay brick and silica brick. Mainly used in open hearth furnace, oxygen blowing converter, electric furnace, Non-ferrous metal smelting equipment and some high temperature equipment. High temperature oxide materials, such as alumina, lanthanum oxide, beryllium oxide, calcium oxide and zirconium oxide, are used in special Refractory, such as carbide, nitride, Boride, silicide and sulfide, etc. . High temperature composite materials, mainly metal ceramics, high temperature inorganic coating and fiber reinforced ceramics. Frequently used Refractory are AZS brick, corundum brick, direct bonded magnesia chrome brick, silicon carbide brick, silicon nitride bonded silicon carbide brick, nitride, silicide, sulfide, boride, carbide and other non oxide Refractory; Calcium oxide, chromium oxide, aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, beryllium oxide and other Refractory. Diatomaceous Earth Products, asbestos products, heat insulation panels, etc. are commonly used in Refractory. Frequently used Refractory are stampings, ramming materials, castable materials, plastics, fireclay, fireproof gunning materials, fireproof projectors, fireproof coatings, lightweight fireproof castable materials, gunning clay, etc. . Refractory (Amorphous Refractory) : Amorphous Refractory is a combination of reasonably graded granular and powdery materials and binders that are used directly for Refractory without moulding or firing. In general, the composition of the material known as aggregate, powder known as admixtures, on the bond known as cementitious agent. These materials have no fixed shape and can be made into a paste, paste and loose shape, which is also known as Refractory. The Refractory can be used to form a seamless monolithic structure, hence the name Refractory. The basic components of Refractory are granular and powdered refractory materials. According to its use requirements, can be made from a variety of materials. In order to combine these refractory materials as a whole, a suitable type and quantity of binder is usually added, except in very few special cases. In order to improve its plasticity or reduce water consumption, a small amount of appropriate plasticizing water reducer can be added, in order to meet other special requirements, but also a small amount of appropriate other additives can be added.